2025 | 15ml for ‘Collective (Social) Consciousness’


15ml Stock. Combination Remedy.

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A ‘Spiritual Rescue’ Blend, Designed for 2025…

2025 is specially formulated to cater to the issues, challenges as well as opportunities of 2025.

Designed to be a companion for your self development & inner work, the 2025 blend will help you deal with the ‘murky feelings’ originating from the collective ( social ) consciousness. If you feel ‘ungrounded’, off centre, moody or anxious… for no known reason, then this is the remedy for you. Great for use during times of civil unrest, natural disasters or disturbing world events.

2025 15ml blend is a recipe designed for the current year. It helps you “navigate the (social) storms of life & filter out the noise”.

2025 blend helps you to ground in your experience, clarify your mind & focus on your personal life during times of trouble. Helps you to be in tune (aware) with the world around you, without being flooded by strong thoughts and emotions that aren’t yours.


  1. Angels Trumpet 3 (New) – Warned, Chastised.
  2. Critical Thinking (New, Flower of the Year for 2025) – Misconception, Fallacy.
  3. Mint Star – Finality, False Ending.
  4. Perception – Temperamental, Reactionary.
  5. Tears of the Sun 2 (New) – Unexpected, Surprised, ‘Recurrence of very old, karmic tears.’


  • 2025 closely matches the ‘essence of the times’. If you read the flowers in order, it paints a picture and tells a story. Read it in a circle or cycle.
  • Like any recipe of flower remedies, 2025 can be taken anytime, not just in 2025. You can start phasing it in before the new year to acclimatise to the changes in social mindset ( collective consciousness ).
  • Drink adequate water while taking a course of drops. Meditation and other purification techniques are also suggested for maximum effect.

Spiritual Forecast ( Brief Version )

Looking back to to the previous 2 years, Rose Sacred Heart was flower remedy of the year for 2023. It signalled ‘a time of reckoning’ was upon us. A time where ‘the bill has to be paid’ and a need for soul contact to correct our collective / social course.

Following on from this theme came the flower of the year for 2024, Angels Trumpet 2. As the name suggests, ‘a warning siren’ started to sound and a ‘bell began tolling’ in the collective consciousness. The purpose of this warning bell was to bring attention to the important things in life… and to shrug off all lesser distractions and illusions.

Angels Trumpet 2 announced a deep, Divine message. An inescapable truth, that all of humanity can either heed and pay attention to… or ignore and live with the consequences. Those that paid attention to this message & continued to purify themselves and their lives of illusions, attachments to the temporary world and respond to this inner calling, struggled… but will find they are well positioned for the ‘correction’ or spiritual reset that will come over the next few years.

Those that ignored or rebelled against the obvious warning sign that humanity was going down the wrong path will pay a price, at a time that is inconvenient.

Now, the flower of 2025 arrives to activate Critical Thinking, rational and logical thought and to weed out misconceptions, illusions and fallacies in your thinking. We will likely see a ‘doubling down’ on these things and a vehement, emotional argument for baseless illusions in society that have swept through the collective mind in the past few years.

Like all illusions, they inevitably fall apart. But will likely be propped up in the short term before they burn out. Guard your thoughts, examine the basis of what you believe and be vigilant in your spiritual development about what you agree to & believe.

More on this later.

 No medical claims made.

Additional information

Weight 70 g
Dimensions 35 × 35 × 100 mm