Serenity ( Fussy, Demanding )


15ml Stock Remedy.



Quesnelia marmorata ~ Issues of mental division or separation from nature / true self.

  1. Lesson of the Quesnelia plant group – You are in harmony with all life. Case closed.
  2. The ‘Adam & Eve’ Complex – The #1 issue human beings have is that our self image is faulty. Which puts us on a never ending treadmill seeking perfection.
  3. Ego vs Spirit – Your ego cannot perceive your totality nor the whole of your spirit. But we operate under the belief that our ( ego perspective ), self image is 100% correct.

Positive – Serene, Tranquil.

  • At home.
  • Non-fussed.
  • Remaining calm when life does not suit your preferences.
  • Finding happiness in a wide range of past times & experiences. I.e. Able to find an equal amount of joy in art, music, meditation or walking on the beach.
  • At peace with the life process.

Negative – Demanding, Particular.

  • Picky. Fussy.
  • Emotionally at the mercy of your mental preferences. Requiring things to be a certain way.
  • Very particular. Personal criteria that makes it extremely hard to be calm, pleased or successful.
  • Finding happiness in a certain past time only. I.e. Needing to do art, play music, meditate or walk on the beach but finding no joy when doing other things.
  • Overly stringent. Rules that strangle the joy out of life.

Pro System

  • Cause of the problem – Division, Separation & Fragmentation ( from True Nature ).
  • The Quesnelia’s relieve issues caused by *mental division, *separating yourself from the whole which fragments your reality. Thus leading to a sense of alienation and breeds conflict & infighting. ( Aka ‘The ‘Adam & Eve’ complex. )
  • SeeSkyflowers: Pro System for more information.

The Doctrine of Signatures

This tall, tubular, stiff leaved bromeliad offers several key signatures. While the structure is stiff and upright ( uptight ), the simple design and elegant curls suggests a more fluid approach to life. Spots on the leafs indicate there is an attitude of blemishes and flaws. The roots, are shallow and brittle indicating that this person can be easily upset but in the positive, that one should take a more casual, light footed approach to life and not get so bogged down mentally. Both the positive and negative traits can easily be seen in each signature.

No medical claims made.