White Sage | 15ml Stock Remedy

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $14.45.

White Sage, 15ml stock flower remedy. Perfect for personal use or mixed into a cleansing room spray.

SKU: WSG-15ml Categories: , ,


White Sage

Salvia apiana

White Sage 15ml stock remedy drops. Yes, it’s the plant used to make smudge sticks. If you want White Sage loose leaf, go here.

See also:

  1. Under Research.
  2. Wholehearted reverence. There is no such thing as ‘partial cleansing’. I.e. Seeking improvement in one area of life while ignoring others.
  3. The decision to ‘clean up your whole life’ is an important factor in spiritual development, maturity and advancement. Free will matters.


  • Under Research.


  • Under Research.

Additional information

Weight 60 g
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 90 mm